Sunday, June 13, 2010

What Your Blog May Look Like When You Find Yourself With a Lot of Things To Do or Thank Effing God for the French Film Festival

So it's been close to two months. I blame two things: my day job and the fact that nothing remotely interesting happened in the last month, film-wise. I read up and kinda followed the Cannes proceedings but there's really nothing to talk about until the films get released here, is there? At least I was right that Uncle Boonhee would end up winning; I called that really early on so I brag. To no one. No one I know really cares.

So imagine my delight, or misery (I'll explain in a bit) when I found out that Shang is screening yet another slew of French films this year. The 15th French Film Festival which started last June 3 and ended today was like an oasis in the midst of a really big desert. Nevermind that I'm currently running a New Hire class, I decided that day job be damned, I'm going to catch at least 3 movies. I did better, actually, I saw 4. Sure it meant two Saturdays of absolute sleep-deprivation, but is it worth it? Hell fucking yeah.

So which films you ask? Here ya go...